
For over 10 years, we have helped our Clients to achieve their goals. The team of partners, industrial experts, and analysts supports a constant growth of companies’ value at each step of their development. As entrepreneurs ourselves, we understand our Clients and willingly share our knowledge.


So far:

  • We have accomplished over 300 projects of businesses, brands, and financial instruments valuations,
  • We have been involved in processes of acquiring capital of almost 40 entities,
  • We have acquired financing from stock market investors, venture capital funds, private equity and mezzanine funds, foreign investors, private investors, banking industry, and other investment funds,
  • We have successfully sold companies to both strategic and financial investors,
  • We have participated in processes of developing and implementing growth strategies in dozens of companies,
  • As members of investment committees we have conducted analyses of hundreds of investment projects, of which 20 have been funded by us.

Our private passion is attending marathons and long distance triathlons. It has taught us that only hundreds of kilometers ran and experience gained build real character.


In the course of accomplishing projects we have gained knowledge and experience on the specifics of businesses from many industries. Among the companies, we were delighted to work with, there are: